Dibesarkan dalam keluarga sederhana dengan adik-beradik seramai 11 orang bukanlah satu keadaan yang senang. Ini kerana zaman kanak-kanak semua beradik perlu saling memahami dan tidak dapat apa yang dimahukan.

Namun itulah yang jadi penguat semangat untuk remaja bernama Luqman Suhaimi ini. Kisahnya mula menjadi viral di twitter dengan retweets sebanyak 20,941 dan tanda Likes sebanyak 15,970. Dia menceritakan pengalaman hidup sebagai kanak-kanak yang perlu banyak bersabar namun akhirnya dengan berjaya melanjutkan pengajian peringkat ijazah yang ditaja sepenuhnya oleh Petronas.

Hidup Susah 11 Beradik, Yuran Sekolah Selalu Sangkut, Tapi Remaja Ini Kuat Semangat, Kini Di London Sambung Ijazah

Sering berpindah-randah

Being in a family with 11 siblings was not easy. I grew up watching friends going on a vacation while I can only hope to visit nearest mall during the weekends. Back then I always get sooooooo excited when my dad treats us KFC once in a few months. We had to move quite often from one house to another as both of my parents work hard to make ends meet. So my childhood was a mixed of different neighbourhood. I was always late for school because my parents had to send us to 3-4 different schools.

Cemburu kawan dan handphone

As a child, I’ve always wanted more and was jealous of how people can easily get what they wanted. “Best haritu mak aku bagi aku phone baru sbb dpt 6A untuk PMR. Hg dapat 8A PMR mesti hadiah lagi best kan?” I just smile at him without answering the question. I was struggling a lot with Biology in highschool and hoping to ask my dad if I could go to extra tuition. I didn’t have the heart to ask him because I know the money is better spent on my younger siblings.

Kamu sorang je belum bayar yuran

One morning in English class, I was asked the question that I already anticipated. “Luqman, cuma tinggal kamu sorang je belum bayar yuran sekolah. Bila boleh bayar eh?” I knew I can’t ask it from my parents because my younger siblings also need it for their school fees. I needed to find a way so I started to save money from selling shirts in my school.

Nak KFC tapi bersyukur walau hanya ada telur dan kicap

When I reached 16, my life perspective changed. I used to hate waking up for school but when I realised they are people who didn’t have proper education on the other side of the world, waking up at 6 in the morning wasn’t that hard. I used to cry because I wanted to eat KFC but started to feel grateful when there’s “nasi + telur + kicap” on my plate. I used to complain how I never have my own room but started feel grateful as a teenager because there’s roof up on my head.

Kini duit cukup untuk diri sendiri, siap boleh bagi mak dan ayah

As a result of being grateful, now I’m my way to London, pursuing my degree under Petronas. The best thing is, not only I have more than enough money for myself, I can also give some back to my family. Alhamdulillah. Thanks @Petronas for giving me this opportunity. Most importantly, thanks to both of you.

Had you given me everything I wanted back then, I wouldn’t have everything I have now.


Selain itu:  Sedap Rupanya Sardin Tin Buat Masak Lemak Cili Api. Buat Pedas, Memang Menambah Nasi

Hidup Susah 11 Beradik, Yuran Sekolah Selalu Sangkut, Tapi Remaja Ini Kuat Semangat, Kini Di London Sambung Ijazah

Sebelum berangkat ke negara orang untuk menyambung belajar.


Hidup Susah 11 Beradik, Yuran Sekolah Selalu Sangkut, Tapi Remaja Ini Kuat Semangat, Kini Di London Sambung Ijazah

Bersama kawan-kawan seperjuangan di tanah air.


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Being in a family with 11 siblings was not easy. I grew up watching friends going on a vacation while I can only hope to visit nearest mall during the weekends. Back then I always get sooooooo excited when my dad treats us KFC once in a few months. We had to move quite often from one house to another as both of my parents work hard to make ends meet. So my childhood was a mixed of different neighbourhood. I was always late for school because my parents had to send us to 3-4 different schools. As a child, I’ve always wanted more and was jealous of how people can easily get what they wanted. “Best haritu mak aku bagi aku phone baru sbb dpt 6A untuk PMR. Hg dapat 8A PMR mesti hadiah lagi best kan?” I just smile at him without answering the question. I was struggling a lot with Biology in highschool and hoping to ask my dad if I could go to extra tuition. I didn’t have the heart to ask him because I know the money is better spent on my younger siblings. One morning in English class, I was asked the question that I already anticipated. “Luqman, cuma tinggal kamu sorang je belum bayar yuran sekolah. Bila boleh bayar eh?” I knew I can’t ask it from my parents because my younger siblings also need it for their school fees. I needed to find a way so I started to save money from selling shirts in my school. When I reached 16, my life perspective changed. I used to hate waking up for school but when I realised they are people who didn’t have proper education on the other side of the world, waking up at 6 in the morning wasn’t that hard. I used to cry because I wanted to eat KFC but started to feel grateful when there’s “nasi + telur + kicap” on my plate. I used to complain how I never have my own room but started feel grateful as a teenager because there’s roof up on my head. As a result of being grateful, now I’m my way to London, pursuing my degree under Petronas. The best thing is, not only I have more than enough money for myself, I can also give some back to my family. Alhamdulillah. Thanks @Petronas for giving me this opportunity. Most importantly, thanks to both of you. Had you given me everything I wanted back then, I wouldn’t have everything I have now.

A post shared by Luqman (@luqmansuhaimi) on



Selain itu:  Bapa Ini Kongsi DIY Penyidai Tuala Dari Batang Paip PVC. Hasilnya Kukuh & Elak Masalah Tahi Lalat Berulang!

VK berharap Luqman akan berjaya dalam pengajiannya dan pulang berbakti kepda negara. Ramai remaja di luar sana yang perlu menjadikan pengalaman hidup Luqman ini sebagai inspirasi. Jangan jadikan kekurangan dalam keluarga itu sebagai kelemahan. Jadikan ianya penguat semangat untuk terus mendorong ke arah kejayaan.


Sumber: Instagram Luqman Suhaimi & Twitter Luqman Suhaimi

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