Pejam celik, pejam celik memang terasa begitu pantasnya masa berlalu. Tarikh 10 Oktober 2018 merupakan ulang tahun ke-8 perkahwinan Angkasawan Negara, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor dan isterinya, Dr Halina Mohd Yunos. Pasangan ini berkahwin pada 10 Oktober 2007 dan telah dikurniakan dua anak perempuan dan sepasang kembar lelaki. Keletah anak-anaknya boleh dibaca di instagram. Banyak tip dikongsikan oleh pasangan ini.

Melalui instagram, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar menulis.

Sambut Ulang Tahun Perkahwinan Ke-8, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Doa Nak Tambah Kembar Lagi

Berdoa nak kembar lagi

Sempena ulang tahun perkahwinan ini, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar memasang impian untuk memperoleh anak lagi. Siap berdoa untuk dapat anak kembar lagi.

Pic – Our 8th Anniversary today .
It has been 8 years since we got married and InsyaAllah till the end of time with more kids to come . Berdoa for more twins … ?

Terpikat kerana kebijaksaannya

Betul kan? Lelaki yang bijak selalunya akan tertarik dengan wanita bijak juga. Kecantikan bukan perkara utama. Beza usia 8 tahun bagi angkasawaan ini merupakan sebagai satu jarak usia yang bagus.

I met Dr Halina during my days in HUKM . She was my student back then . I was attracted to her more of her intelligence rather than her beauty – no pun intended as she was answering all my questions during the clinical rounds . We were 8 years apart which to me is a good gap .

Percaya kepada takdir

Beliau terpisah buat sementara waktu selepas terpilih mengikuti latihan sebagai angkasawan. Percaya pada qada dan qadar serta menyerahkan segalanya pada ALLAH.

When I was selected for my astronaut training in Russia we actually “ broke up “ not knowing what would happen to our relationship. I have always believed in faith . Allah knows best .
If it’s meant to be so be it .

Sambut Ulang Tahun Perkahwinan Ke-8, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Doa Nak Tambah Kembar Lagi

Mimpi bakal isteri di angkasa

Tak sangka kan? Selama ini Dr Sheikh Muszaphar tidak pernah bercerita pun mengenai mimpi yang beliau alami ketika di angkasa lepas. Beliau mimpikan Dr Halina.

And Alhamdulillah when I got back to Earth Dr Halina waited for me with open arms . I have never told anyone this but I did dream of her when I was in space which I knew was a sign .

Ulang tahun ke -11 pergi ke angkasa

10.10.10 was the day when we decided to tie the knot . And Alhamdulillah it has been a smooth ride so far and we are blessed with 4 beautiful children.
May the beauty of our marriage lasts forever . Amiinn …
TQ Everyone for your Doa’s and Wishes .
Love As Always … ?
PS – Today is also my 11th anniversary to space . 10.10.07 How time flies .
PSS – The only time we could date is when our kids are at school . ?

Sambut Ulang Tahun Perkahwinan Ke-8, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Doa Nak Tambah Kembar Lagi



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Pic – Our 8th Anniversary today . It has been 8 years since we got married and InsyaAllah till the end of time with more kids to come . Berdoa for more twins … ? I met Dr Halina during my days in HUKM . She was my student back then . I was attracted to her more of her intelligence rather than her beauty – no pun intended as she was answering all my questions during the clinical rounds . We were 8 years apart which to me is a good gap . When I was selected for my astronaut training in Russia we actually “ broke up “ not knowing what would happen to our relationship. I have always believed in faith . Allah knows best . If it’s meant to be so be it . And Alhamdulillah when I got back to Earth Dr Halina waited for me with open arms . I have never told anyone this but I did dream of her when I was in space which I knew was a sign . 10.10.10 was the day when we decided to tie the knot . And Alhamdulillah it has been a smooth ride so far and we are blessed with 4 beautiful children. May the beauty of our marriage lasts forever . Amiinn … TQ Everyone for your Doa’s and Wishes . Love As Always … ? PS – Today is also my 11th anniversary to space . 10.10.07 How time flies . PSS – The only time we could date is when our kids are at school . ?

A post shared by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (@drsheikhmuszaphar) on

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Sumber: Dr Sheikh Muszaphar & Dr Halina

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