Hendak berjaya dalam hidup, seseorang itu perlu berusaha. Chef Selebriti, Chef Wan semalam berkongsi video seorang bayi perempuan turun dari katil sebagai inspirasi. Sesungguhnya video itu sungguh memberikan maksud tersirat.

Menurut Chef Wan, kejayaan tidak akan datang bergolek. Apatah lagi bagi orang yang suka beri alasan dan asyik menyalahkan orang lain. Seseorang itu juga perlu belajar hidup dalam kesusahan terlebih dahulu supaya boleh membina jati diri yang kuat berusaha untuk hidup senang.



Nak Berjaya, Alasan Buang Jauh-Jauh, Chef Wan Saran Jadikan Video Bayi Usaha Turun Dari Katil Sebagai Inspirasi


Kuasa minda seorang bayi

Please take time to watch this video till the end.
Such a bright child and wise too.
See how the mind power developed by itself even as a baby Allah dan beri a mind of its own.

Its all about survival.
This is the mind power that has strong determination and will power not to give up on things.
We should dari awal learned to cultivate this didalam sifat anak2 kita to acquire and learned new things.

Dididik dari kecil

As a child i too developed my own instinct untuk terus berusaha mencari rezeki yg Halal untuk my own family ad young as umur 9 tahun dah mula menjual kueh dan betcucuk tanam my 1st lesson how i can bring food to the table.
Despite being successful i also encouraged both my children to do what they need to do to be successful with me not sticking my nose to much but i am always there to guide them if they need too.
Biar mereka belajar cara hidup yg susah tetap gigih dan belajar dari kesilapan masing2.
Its the best lesson they can give themselves as i went through that myself.

Segala ujian jadikan lebih kuat

Remember i always say.
” What doesnt kill me will make me stronger!”.
Some people bila kita bercerita benda yg baik mereka pulak terasa hati konon nya kita ini menunjuk kebaikan kita dan sudah rasa besar kepala pulak?
Ada yg berkata ” U boleh la buat semua u buat boleh jadi tetapi kita belum tentu lagi!”
U see if they both have such defensive attitude to ” comfort” themselves how are they going to opened up and change?
U see alot of successful people in their life will make special effort to usaha and not be spoon fed neither memberi pelbagai alasan yg remen temeh.
They just go and do it?

Jadikan video ini sebagai teladan

Look at this child with the mind of her own using her common sense she said by hook or by crook i am getting out of this bloody bed!
At last she made it.
Sempat gelak lagi as she knew that in the end she can do it.
See how people can be motivated and driven all the time?

Buang alasan jauh-jauh

U wonder why?
Its all about making it happened!
Bukan beri alasan atau mencari kesilapan orang lain!
U think what others might think of me will change my mind set?
Off course not!
Infact what they do is give me more strength each day.




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Please take time to watch this video till the end. Such a bright child and wise too. See how the mind power developed by itself even as a baby Allah dan beri a mind of its own. Its all about survival. This is the mind power that has strong determination and will power not to give up on things. We should dari awal learned to cultivate this didalam sifat anak2 kita to acquire and learned new things. As a child i too developed my own instinct untuk terus berusaha mencari rezeki yg Halal untuk my own family ad young as umur 9 tahun dah mula menjual kueh dan betcucuk tanam my 1st lesson how i can bring food to the table. Despite being successful i also encouraged both my children to do what they need to do to be successful with me not sticking my nose to much but i am always there to guide them if they need too. Biar mereka belajar cara hidup yg susah tetap gigih dan belajar dari kesilapan masing2. Its the best lesson they can give themselves as i went through that myself. Remember i always say. ” What doesnt kill me will make me stronger!”. Some people bila kita bercerita benda yg baik mereka pulak terasa hati konon nya kita ini menunjuk kebaikan kita dan sudah rasa besar kepala pulak? Ada yg berkata ” U boleh la buat semua u buat boleh jadi tetapi kita belum tentu lagi!” U see if they both have such defensive attitude to ” comfort” themselves how are they going to opened up and change? U see alot of successful people in their life will make special effort to usaha and not be spoon fed neither memberi pelbagai alasan yg remen temeh. They just go and do it? Look at this child with the mind of her own using her common sense she said by hook or by crook i am getting out of this bloody bed! At last she made it. Sempat gelak lagi as she knew that in the end she can do it. See how people can be motivated and driven all the time? U wonder why? Its all about making it happened! Bukan beri alasan atau mencari kesilapan orang lain! U think what others might think of me will change my mind set? Off course not! Infact what they do is give me more strength each day. THIS IS HOW ONE SHOULD HANDLE LIFE. STOP JUDGING AND STOP FEELING THAT U CANT DO IT!

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VK pun jadi termotivasi bila tengok video ni. Bijak betul baby tu.

Selain itu:  Kecoh Tentang Doula Dikait Dengan Kematian Bayi Tapi Masih Ramai Tak Faham Maksud Doula!

Sumber: Chef Wan

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