Sejak beberapa hari lalu video seorang bapa  mententeramkan anak autisme yang ‘meronta-ronta’ di sebuah pusat membeli belah telah menarik ramai perhatian netizen.

Bagi yang tidak memahami mungkin memandang serong tindakan si ayah, Iman Wan yang  dilihat agak keras dalam menenangkan  Adam yang meronta malah menjatuh diri ke lantai.

Tapi sebenarnya inilah hakikat yang perlu dilalui oleh ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak autisme. Tiga video yang awalnya dimuat naik oleh Adlina Sharine Abdillah sebenarnya telah menyedarkan ramai pihak tentang anak autisme terutama sekali yang sudah dewasa.

Video Tular Adam ‘Mengamuk’ Sedarkan Kita Betapa Tabahnya Ibu Bapa Jaga Anak Autisme

Menurut Iman, Adam telah didiagnos mengalami autisme ketika usianya dua tahun setengah, dan sejak itu kehidupan mereka sekeluarga berubah.

VK sendiri dapat merasainya ketabahan keluarga Iman Wan yang juga seorang bekas komposer  selepas melihat satu persatu video yang sebelum itu dikongsi oleh Iman Wan dalam  instagram @adamautismfamily

Part 1-  Kerana lewat makan Adam ‘meragam’

Hanya kerana lewat makan, Adam sudah menampakkan tanda-tanda tidak stabil. Sejak didalam kereta lagi sebenarnya.

PART 1 . We were a little late getting Adam’s lunch yesterday. I was worried he would snap into a meltdown. True enough as soon as we parked the car, Adam showed signs of instability. We rushed our way towards Dave’s Deli. Unfortunately before we could get into the restaurant, Adam went into a meltdown and went to the floors. It was pretty bad so I tried to bring him back into the car. He was on the floors of the parking lot. Took us about 15 minutes to contain him. When he got a bit tired, I took him into Dave’s Deli where the mother quickly fed him a plate of spaghetti. We then applied some doTERRA calming essential oils on him. He was stabilised. But the entire saga was a very exhausting one. Mamarai and my hands were scratched by Adam. He was always apologetic after he hurt us. . This is a 3 part posting. Do follow and watch the next 2 related postings. . #adamsautismfamily #doterrafamily #autismfamily #autismlife #meltdown #essentialoils #doterra_aof #calmingoils #patience #davesdeli @idanixh @raidoterra @arenalieya

A post shared by Iman Wan (@adamsautismfamily) on

Part 2 – Adam ‘mengamuk’

Belum sempat memasuki restoran Adam sudahpun mengamuk, kali ini agak teruk. Dia menjatuhkan dirinya ke lantai dan terpaksa dibawa ke kawasan parking kereta.

Selain itu:  Nak Putih Wajah Cara Selamat, Kita Buat Sendiri Krim Pemutih Dari Sengkuang

Adam terpaksa kawal dengan dibaringkan ke lantai untuk mengelakkan dia bertindak agresif merosakkan barang di sekeliling.

Memandangkan sudah remaja, dia cukup kuat, dan banyak kudrat digunakan untuk mententeramkan dirinya. Memang sukar untuk mententeramkan anak autism yang mengamuk di khalayak.

Saya sendiri perlu bertenang. saya mengambil masa 15 minit untuk menenangkan dirinya dan akhirnya barulah dapat kembali ke restoran untuk makan.

Part 2 . Here’s the video with scenes from Adam’s meltdown at the Atria Mall yesterday. I have to restrain him by pinning him down to the floor. Otherwise he will run, he may smash things, push people, and get himself hurt. During a meltdown, Adam is unable to control his actions. Most of the time we showed videos of him on the floor when he was cheeky and playful. This one is different. He was going into a meltdown. Adam is so strong. It takes a lot of strength and concentration to hold him down, and at the same time worrying about everybody’s safety, including Adam and myself from getting hurt. I need to be very calm too. It’s very hard to manage a meltdown in public places. This lasted about 15 minutes. He has not had lunch yet. When he finally started calming down, I took him back up to Dave’s Deli for his meal. This is what some of us Autism parents go through every now and then, just to have a simple meal at the mall. . This is part 2 of a 3 part video. . #adamsautismfamily #doterrafamily #autismfamily #autismlife #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismfriendly #meltdowns #patience #davesdeli @idanixh @raidoterra @arenalieya

A post shared by Iman Wan (@adamsautismfamily) on

Part 3 – Selepas 15 minit ‘bertarung’ akhirnya Adam tenang

Kami bawa dia masuk ke restoran dan ibunya sudah bersedia. Mujur staf restoran itu memahami dan menyiapkan hidangan spageti kegemarannya dengan segera.

Selain itu:  Walau Ayah Pemain Bola Sepak, Rita Dedah Anak-anaknya Tak Pernah Minat Bola Sampailah...

Ibunya segera menyuapkan Adam makanan. Selepas makan Adam disapu dengan minyak esensial untuk membantu menenangkannya.

Part 3 . When I finally got Adam into Dave’s Deli, mommy was all ready. The staff of DD was very understanding to quickly cook Adam his favourite spaghetti. Adam was in the process of winding down, so mommy quickly fed him the spaghetti, and then we immediately applied doTERRA calming essential oils like Lavender Peace, Vetiver, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense and Balance on him. You can see in the video how fast he reacted to the oils. Within minutes of rubbing in the oils, he was relaxed. Before we were empowered with doTERRA, we had to risk him slipping back into another meltdown. Calming him took a lot longer those days. We are truly thankful to have these essential oils now. . If you are seriously keen to try doTERRA, whatsapp 0133935005. This is the last week of an awesome enrolment promo to get the Frankincense for FREE. . #adamsautismfamily #doterrafamily #autismfamily #davesdeli #autismlife #meltdown #essentialoils #doterramalaysia #doterra_aof #calmingoils #oilsforautism #certified #pure #therapeutic @idanixh @raidoterra @arenalieya

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Netizen yang melihat ketiga-tiga video ini rata-rata memuji ketabahan ibu bapa ini malah berdoa agar mereka terus diberikan kesabaran untuk menjaga Adam.

Video Adam ‘mengamuk’ juga telah mendapat lebih dua juta tontonan di Facebook Adlina Sharine Abdillah.

Bagi yang ingin memahami lebih lagi tentang situasi keluarga yang mempunyai anak autism boleh mengikuti instagram @adamsautismfamily  yang kini sudahpun mempunyai lebih 100k pengikut.

Sumber: adamsautismfamily dan Adlina Sharine Abdillah




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